Here's a simple example extension that controls Excel through Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). I created this extension originally because Excel was missing a keyboard command for repositioning charts, but expanded it after getting tired of Microsoft changing the keyboard commands for charts seemingly every Excel version.
When you call the extension, it opens up a COM connection to the currently open and in focus Excel application instance:
def open_Excel():
return win32com.client.GetObject(Class="Excel.Application")
Using this connection, it can manipulate Excel using the appropriate VBA calls. Usually the first thing I want to do in this extension is activate the current chart; if no chart is current, I try and use the first embedded chart on the active sheet:
def open_Excel_with_active_chart():
xlApp = open_Excel()
if xlApp.ActiveChart == None:
# If no chart currently active, try and use first embedded
# chart on active sheet:
return xlApp
As an example, here's the code for Excel.MoveChart, which moves the currently selected chart so it's top is at (x, y):
# Vocola procedure: Excel.MoveChart
def move_chart(x, y):
xlApp = open_Excel_with_active_chart()
xlApp.ActiveChart.Parent.Left = int(x)
xlApp.ActiveChart.Parent.Top = int(y)
I personally use this procedure to tile charts across sheets:
place chart (medium=580|large=580|paper=795) 1..4 =
Excel.MoveChart(Eval('6 + $1 * ($2-1)'), 70);
Creating the Python/VBA code to do something usually involves googling for VBA examples/definitions or recording a Excel VBA macro that does what you want then inspecting the result; converting the VBA code to win32com Python; and some some trial and error.