Defining Variables
If you want to re-use an alternative set in several different commands
you can assign it to a variable. For example, we can create a variable called
<direction> to hold the alternatives
Left | Right | Up | Down, and use it in a command:
Vocola: <direction> := Left | Right | Up | Down;
Move <direction> = {$1};
Say: Move Left
Sent: {Left}
Say: Move Down
Sent: {Down}
This command is equivalent to the second command in the previous section, allowing you to move the cursor in
one of four directions.
Note that references to variables such as <direction> are case sensitive; referring
to <Direction> would not work.
The following command defines the variable <number>, and
is equivalent to the third command in the previous section:
Vocola: <number> := 1..99;
Move Down <number> = {Down_$1};
Say: Move Down 6
Sent: {Down_6}
Say: Move Down 12
Sent: {Down_12}
This moves the cursor down a given number of lines.
Finally, we can write our general-purpose arrow-key command (move a given number of steps in any direction) using both
the <direction> and <number>
Vocola: <number> <direction> = {$2_$1};
Say: 3 Left
Sent: {Left_3}
Say: 10 Left
Sent: {Left_10}
Note that a variable reference may appear
earlier in a Vocola command file than the definition of that