Non-English Languages

Dragon NaturallySpeaking, probably for historical reasons, internally uses the character set Windows-1252 (a superset of Latin-1) rather than the newer Unicode. This is the default Windows character set for Western languages and includes the usual accented letters. Accordingly, Vocola 2 uses this character set as well for its input files.

If you want to use non-ASCII characters such as accented letters in your commands, then you will need to tell your editor to save using this character set. How to do this is editor dependent; for notepad, choosing encoding "ANSI" appears to work. With Emacs, adding the line # -*- encoding: windows-1252 -*- to the top of your file should do the trick.

Accented letters may be used in words and keystroke sequences, but not in variable names (e.g., <direction>) or function names. Note that Dragon uses different names for keys depending on the language; for example, {Center} becomes {Centre} in French. Consult your manual for the key names to use with SendDragonKeys and SendSystemKeys for the language you are using.

At startup, Vocola attempts to determine the language being used. If it is not English, Vocola changes its built-in commands appropriately. You will find a list of these command variations below organized by language.

If you are multilingual and use multiple Dragon profiles with differing languages, you may wish to write different commands for each language. To support this, as of version 2.8.4, if there is a subdirectory of your Vocola user directory with the short name of the language (e.g., enx for English) in use when Vocola was started, then Vocola will use the commands from that subdirectory rather than your user directory. The short language names are: enx for English, esp for Spanish, ita for Italian, fra for French, nld for Dutch, and deu for German.

If you are using Quintijn's combined installer and select the "Vocola Multi languages" option (under the Vocola section of the configure GUI program), the installer will automatically create these per-language subdirectories for each non-English language you use. For example, the first time you use Dutch with this option turned on, a subdirectory called nld will be created in your Vocola command directory. While you are using Dutch, Vocola will use the command files in that subdirectory. Similarly, for other non-English languages. Thus by switching languages, you can automatically switch between different sets of Vocola command files. As a convenience, when it creates one of these subdirectories, the installer automatically copies all of your top-level command files to the new subdirectory for editing.

Dutch built-in commands

When you say Vocola will
"Toon (NatLink|Vocola) venster" Show the Vocola messages window.
"(Eddit|Bewerk|Sjoo|Toon) [stem|vojs] (Commandoos|Commands)" Open the Vocola file defining commands for the currently running application.
"(Eddit|Bewerk|Sjoo|Toon) (Global|globale) [stem|vojs] (Commandoos|Commands)" Open the Vocola file defining commands for all applications.
"(Eddit|Bewerk|Sjoo|Toon) Machine [stem|vojs] (Commandoos|Commands)" Open the Vocola file defining commands for the currently running application on the current computer.
"(Eddit|Bewerk|Sjoo|Toon) (Global|globale) Machine [stem|vojs] (Commandoos|Commands)" Open the Vocola file defining commands for all applications on the current computer.
"(Laad|Lood) alle [stem|vojs] (Commandoos|Commands)" Reload all commands you have defined.
"(Laad|Lood) [stem|vojs] (Commandoos|Commands)" Reload commands for the currently running application.
"(Laad|Lood) globale [stem|vojs] (Commandoos|Commands)" Reload global commands.
"Laad [stem] extensies" Reload extensions.

French built-in commands

When you say Vocola will
"[Afficher] Fenetre (NatLink|Vocola)" Show the Vocola messages window.
"Editer Commandes [Vocales]" Open the Vocola file defining commands for the currently running application.
"Editer Commandes [Vocales] Globales" Open the Vocola file defining commands for all applications.
"Editer Commandes [Vocales] Machine" Open the Vocola file defining commands for the currently running application on the current computer.
"Editer Commandes [Vocales] Globales Machine" Open the Vocola file defining commands for all applications on the current computer.
"Charger Toutes Les Commandes [Vocales]" Reload all commands you have defined.
"Charger Commandes [Vocales]" Reload commands for the currently running application.
"Charger Commandes [Vocales] Globales" Reload global commands.
"Charger Extensions [Vocales]" Reload extensions.

German built-in commands

When you say Vocola will
"[Zeige] (NatLink|Vocola) Fenster" Show the Vocola messages window.
"Bearbeite [Sprach] Befehle" Open the Vocola file defining commands for the currently running application.
"Bearbeite globale [Sprach] Befehle" Open the Vocola file defining commands for all applications.
"Bearbeite Maschinen [Sprach] Befehle" Open the Vocola file defining commands for the currently running application on the current computer.
"Bearbeite globale Maschinen [Sprach] Befehle" Open the Vocola file defining commands for all applications on the current computer.
"Lade alle [Sprach] Befehle" Reload all commands you have defined.
"Lade [Sprach] Befehle" Reload commands for the currently running application.
"Lade globale [Sprach] Befehle" Reload global commands.
"Lade [Sprach] Extensions" Reload extensions.

Italian built-in commands

When you say Vocola will
"[Mostra] Finestra Di (NatLink|Vocola)" Show the Vocola messages window.
"Modifica Comandi [Vocali]" Open the Vocola file defining commands for the currently running application.
"Modifica Comandi [Vocali] Globali" Open the Vocola file defining commands for all applications.
"Modifica Comandi [Vocali] [del] Computer" Open the Vocola file defining commands for the currently running application on the current computer.
"Modifica Comandi [Vocali] Globali [del] Computer" Open the Vocola file defining commands for all applications on the current computer.
"Carica Tutti I Comandi [Vocali]" Reload all commands you have defined.
"Carica I Comandi [Vocali]" Reload commands for the currently running application.
"Carica Comandi [Vocali] Gliobali" Reload global commands.
"Carica Estensioni [Vocali]" Reload extensions.

Spanish built-in commands

When you say Vocola will
"[Mostrar] Ventana De (NatLink|Vocola)" Show the Vocola messages window.
"(Modificar|Editar) Comandos [de voz]" Open the Vocola file defining commands for the currently running application.
"(Modificar|Editar) Comandos [de voz] Globales" Open the Vocola file defining commands for all applications.
"(Modificar|Editar) Comandos [de voz] De (este ordenador|La Computadora)" Open the Vocola file defining commands for the currently running application on the current computer.
"(Modificar|Editar) Comandos [de voz] Globales De (este ordenador|La Computadora)" Open the Vocola file defining commands for all applications on the current computer.
"(Recargar|Cargar) Todos Los Comandos [de voz]" Reload all commands you have defined.
"(Recargar|Cargar) Comandos [de voz]" Reload commands for the currently running application.
"(Recargar|Cargar) Comandos [de voz] Globales" Reload global commands.
"(Recargar|Cargar) Extensiones [de voz]" Reload extensions.
Copyright © 2002-2023 Rick Mohr