Vocola 3.1 Function Library
Namespaces LibraryCommandFile ► GetErrorFilename
Gets the file name of the most recently loaded Vocola command file which contained an error.
Return Value
The file name of the most recently loaded Vocola command file which contained an error.
CopyShow Vocola code for recent error
Show Error = CommandFile.Open(CommandFile.GetErrorFilename())
             {Down_  Eval( CommandFile.GetErrorLineNumber()   - 1) }
             {Right_ Eval( CommandFile.GetErrorColumnNumber() - 1) };
When a command file contains errors you can view the Vocola statement for the first error using this command. It uses GetErrorFilename, GetErrorLineNumber, and GetErrorColumnNumber to retrieve the file name, line number, and column number of the error. It opens the file, moves to the top, and constructs keystrokes to move down to the appropriate line and right to the appropriate column.

This is one of Vocola's built-in commands.

Assembly: VocolaFunctionLibrary (Module: VocolaFunctionLibrary) Version: (