Vocola 3.1 Function Library
DisableForWindow(applicationName, windowTitleFragment)
Namespaces LibraryDictation ► DisableForWindow
Disables Vocola dictation for a specific application window.
DisableForWindow(applicationName, windowTitleFragment)
Name of an application executable file, not including the .exe extension. Case insensitive.
All or part of the title of the desired window. Case insensitive.
Voice commands are sometimes misinterpreted as dictation, which can cause trouble in applications which interpret single-character keystrokes as actions. For such applications you may want to disable dictation using this function or DisableForApplication.

Use EnableForWindow if you want to re-enable dictation for the specified window.

Note that calling the function Enable has no effect on applications where dictation has been disabled with DisableForWindow.

CopyDisable dictation for a window
onLoad() := Dictation.DisableForWindow(thunderbird, Thunderbird);
The Mozilla Thunderbird mailer's main window interprets single-character keystrokes as actions and doesn't require dictation, so it's safer to disable dictation for that window.

This code disables dictation for that window by specifying the "thunderbird" application, in windows containing the text "Thunderbird".

Here DisableForWindow is called not by a voice command but by defining an onLoad function. Putting this code in thunderbird.vcl or _global.vcl will disable dictation in Thunderbird's main window without further action on your part.

Assembly: VocolaFunctionLibrary (Module: VocolaFunctionLibrary) Version: (