Vocola 3.1 Function Library
Pointer Class
Namespaces Library ► Pointer
Functions to control the pointing device (e.g., a mouse, touchpad, trackball, etc.).
Functions such as MoveTo which position the pointer do so relative to a particular rectangle such as the bounds of the foreground window or the screen. Window-relative positioning is the default because it tends to be used in more commands than screen-relative positioning. Several functions have two versions, one implicitly relative to the foreground window rectangle (e.g., MoveTo) and one relative to a specified named rectangle (e.g., MoveTo).
Function Description
Click Clicks the left button associated with the pointing device.
Click Clicks a button associated with the pointing device.
Click Clicks a button associated with the pointing device a specified number of times.
DragBy Drags the pointer by a specified number of pixels.
DragByScreenPercent Drags the pointer by a specified number of screen percentage units.
DragFromSavedPoint Drags the pointer from the position stored by SavePoint to the current position.
GetOffset Returns the current pointer position as an offset in pixels from the nearest corner of the current window.
GetOffset Returns the current pointer position as an offset in pixels from the nearest corner of the specified rectangle.
MoveBy Moves the pointer by a specified number of pixels.
MoveTo Move the pointer to a new position, relative to a corner of the current window.
MoveTo Move the pointer to a new position, relative to a corner of the specified rectangle.
MoveToEdge Move the pointer to an edge of the current window.
MoveToEdge Move the pointer to an edge of the specified rectangle.
MoveToSavedPoint Moves the pointer to the position stored by SavePoint.
MoveToScreenPercent Moves the pointer to a new position specified in screen percentage units.
SavePoint Saves the current pointer position.
Touch Clicks the specified point, relative to a corner of the current window.
Touch Clicks the specified point, relative to a corner of the specified rectangle.

Assembly: VocolaFunctionLibrary (Module: VocolaFunctionLibrary) Version: (