Vocola 3.1 Function Library
String Class
Namespaces Library ► String
Functions for manipulating text strings.
Function Description
Capitalize Capitalizes each word in the specified text.
JoinWords Replaces whitespace characters in the input text with specified character(s).
Left Returns a specified number of characters from the start of a string.
Length Returns the number of characters in the input text.
Replace In a given string, replaces all occurrences of a specified string with another specified string.
Right Returns a specified number of characters from the end of a string.
Split Splits a given string using a specified separator, then returns a specified element of the resulting substrings.
ToCamelCaseWord Converts the specified text to a single "camel case" word.
ToggleInitialCase Toggles the case of the initial letter of the specified text.
ToggleInitialSpace Adds or removes a space at the beginning of the specified text.
ToLower Converts the specified text to lower case.
ToTitleCase Converts the specified text to title case, where all but small words are capitalized.
ToTitleCaseWord Converts the specified text to a single "title case" word.
ToUpper Converts the specified text to upper case.

Assembly: VocolaFunctionLibrary (Module: VocolaFunctionLibrary) Version: (