Language Tutorial

These sections describe all aspects of creating Vocola commands, with examples. (See Sample Commands for additional examples.)

Keystroke Commands -When I say this, send these keystrokes.
Quotes and Whitespace -Understand Vocola syntax.
Alternative Words -Use alternative words, number ranges, or optional words.
Defining Variables -Name a set of alternative words for use in several commands.
Substituting Actions -Specify different actions for each alternative word.
Special Variables -Capture arbitrary dictation or invoke visible controls.
Function Calls -Call library functions or user-defined functions in a command's actions.
Function Library and $using -Understand the Vocola function library and how to call its functions.
Special Forms -Call useful forms such as Repeat, If, and Eval.
Defining Functions -Name an action sequence for use in multiple commands.
Contextual Commands -Create commands active only for particular windows.
Include Statements -Share commands and definitions across several Vocola files.
Comments -Put comments in your Vocola command files.
Copyright © 2002-2023 Rick Mohr